Can you help find Suitable Roofs for our latest solar project?


Circ_PVcommHall_1We’ve already deployed solar panels on the roofs of ten organisations in and around Exeter. Since then, government feed-in-tariff subsidies have ended. We are therefore looking for roofs that might be financially viable without feed-in-tariff income.

The ideal roof for our latest solar project – Solar PV4 – needs to be financially viable AND deliver community benefit.
Financial viability is dependent on:-


  • Good generation potential – best performance from southerly orientation although facing east and west can be viable. As little shading as possible and no threat of future construction that blocks sunlight.
  • Low installation costs – Pitched at 30 degrees on low rise buildings will be cheaper than flat roofs and high rise requiring scaffolding. Metal sheet roofs lower costs whereas slate roofs increase costs.
  • High energy use by the occupier – this means our income is higher and can help us negotiate the grid connection.
  • And legal ease – the roof owner must sign the roof lease for 20 years. Sometimes organisations can baulk at this.
Could you be a partner or volunteer?

Circ_PV_01_1We prefer panels to be sited on a community building, but the numbers need to stack up. It might come down to a choice between a low cost installation on a commercial building, generating a substantial community fund over the lifetime of the project, and a high cost installation on a community building that creates a small energy discount to one organisation and a much smaller community fund.

Ideal roof owners would have a lot of roof space and be looking to reduce their energy bills without shouldering the capital cost of installing panels. They would also want to take part in an innovative and exciting community project that creates a fair and equitable local energy market tackling fuel poverty, climate change and widespread benefits for Exeter, its people and the environment.

As a small organisation with limited resources, a little help from volunteers goes a long way. Are you willing to volunteer a few hours of your time to look for suitable roofs, identify roof owners who may be interested or ring potential roof partners to tell them about the possibilities ECOE offers and assess their interest? We will provide a training session and support. If you can help please get in touch now!

Contact if you’d like to volunteer.