Whether you are an existing referral partner, or looking to start working with us, here’s a list of all the ways we can help you, your colleagues and your clients.

How to refer a client to us

  • Complete our referral form or contact us to make a referral, with your client’s consent
  • LEAP home visits can also be booked directly with LEAP, either by using the online form, or by calling them on 0800 060 7567. Calling them works well if you are with the client, so that the details can be taken and a date chosen right away.
  • Tell them about our drop-in clinic dates and times, ideal for those who don’t want a home visit or to book one for those that do.
  • You can learn more about the LEAP service and check eligibility here

Training, talks, stalls at events

  • Bespoke front-line worker training, which covers how to spot fuel poverty and what to do about it
  • Attendance at team meetings providing a short presentation about our services and how we can work together
  • Attendance at coffee mornings, clubs, flu clinics or other events that you hold. This can be an informal talk to your clients, a slide presentation, a stall at an event, or we can simply ‘hang-out’ at an event, giving out leaflets
  • Joint home visits are always possible. We can carry out a LEAP home energy visit alongside one of your regular visits to a client where applicable
  • Telephone and email advice. Feel free to contact us if you need help on any energy related/fuel poverty issue
  • Leaflets and posters on request
  • Copy and images for your newsletters, bulletins, community magazines