Members Information

The aim of this page is to provide all the information that you as a member might need. ECOE would not exist without you, so thank you for investing in Exeter Community Energy and playing a part in making community energy work for everyone. Since September 2016 our ten solar rooftop installations are providing low cost solar energy. Your investment in ECOE community shares made this possible.

Currently it’s not usually possible to issue shares to new members. However, we’re planning to launch a new open share offering. Once we have done that, we should be able to welcome new members on an ongoing basis. Current members can however withdraw their investment. In fact we encourage them to, as this helps reduce our interest burden, as planned for in our business plan.

Community ownership really is important to ECOE. The more involved and active our members are, the more community ownership comes alive. We know some of you will want to be involved and others of you won’t. People invest for different reasons and our former director Patrick Devine-Wright has carried out some research into who our members are and your motivation in being a member.


There are different ways you can be involved and different levels of involvement
– From reading our newsletter and emails,
– Attending meetings including the AGM and helping making decisions and voting
– Volunteering
– Becoming a director

For more information about volunteering or becoming a director email

Members Survey

A members survey was completed in 2017 and we now have the full report of the findings available. Thanks to Patrick Devine-Wright for both crafting the survey, analysing the findings and writing the report.

Contacting ECOE

If you have a query or concern, the information on this members page may provide the answer. Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions and do contact us if you haven’t found the answer. We have replaced the original member database integrated with this website with a combined share and loan database that we updated. Therefore if you need to update your member details please email

If you are having any problems, please email us.


Sign up for the ECOE newsletter here.

Interest payments

We are expecting to be able to pay an average of 5% p.a. over the 20 years of the project. The directors make a recommendation to each year’s AGM and then all members will vote. Payment will follow shortly after, as long as you have told us whether you are receiving your interest as opposed to donating it to ECOE’s community fund and if you are receiving it, how you want to be paid i.e. whether by bank transfer or by cheque.

There was no interest payment following the AGM in June 2016 as there had only been two months since the allocation of shares with our end of year being Jan 31st. It was agreed that this would be included in the interest payments allocated following the AGM in 2017.

For more information you can download any of the following documents

ECOE’s rules (governance document)
Secondary rules
Share offer 2015

Latest annual report and annual accounts
